Tablet and Smartphone

Police. Government. Commercial.

Advanced ANPR on the move™

Cleartone Mobile ANPR The Cleartone Mobile ANPR solution puts ANPR in the hands of every officer or field operative in the organisation. Using either the Cleartone Police Back Office Mobile Portal, the Cleartone Data Management Suite Mobile Portal or the Cleartone Cloud Mobile Portal Service, ANPR functionality can be delivered straight to the point of contact without the need for specialised expensive equipment.

Operating on Android© , iOS© and Microsoft Mobile© platforms and on all form factors of devices, the Cleartone Mobile ANPR Solution allows field operatives to capture ANPR data on the go, analyse back office data live and receive hotlist alerts in real time from any organisation ANPR device they are authorised to see where ever they are.

Using the latest encryption techniques data is securely delivered over the 3G and 4G networks straight to the field operator. Also with complete Back Office intergration the precise up to the minute location and status of officers is accessible to controllers back at base, enhancing officer safety and inproving incident response times and auditing.

Back Office Connectivity
Live multi lane ANPR on the move
ANPR in your hands ™
Joined up incident and alert actions
Features at a glance
  • Android © iOS© and Microsoft Mobile™ Compatible
  • Tablets, Smartphones and Laptops.
  • Live ANPR decoding via built in cameras allows device to act as ANPR camera to Back Office
  • Live Alerting from nearby ANPR cameras to operator
  • Status updates and alert responses to Back Office for incident and asset management
  • Mobile Intel Checking of vehicles
  • Fully Integrated with Cleartone Police Back Office and Data Management suites
  • Highly secure. Full device management from back office.